Trailer park season:May 15th until Thanksgiving.
Boat dockage:May 24 until Thanksgiving
Pontoon Charters:May 24 until Thanksgiving
- Boat launch: If there is no ice then it is open. BOAT LAUNCH IS CLOSED FOR 2022 TO ANY BOATS ON TRAILERS DUE TO BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION.
Bait shop:May 24th - Thanksgiving
Hours: 7 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Boat rentals:May 15-June 30: Weekends or by appointment
July-August: 7am to 6 pm . Reservation required. Closed Tuesdays.
Labour Day Weekend: Closed Sunday at noon
Sept.- Oct.: Weekends or by appointment
Please look in the What's News section for any changes in hours or special closings